
Send the right signals to the right people with messages that are clear, consistent, and compelling.

Imagine the moment before you join a meeting or step up to a podium. Exactly how will you connect with your audience? What essential things should they know about your brand and in what order?

First and foremost, you must know why your offering matters to the people you’re about to address. This understanding must be crystal clear and focused—boiled down to just a few simple sentences. These are the core ideas that will guide everything you say.

Your messaging is your mantra

Messaging is a distillation of all we know about the power and promise of your brand. It combines the key insights gleaned from research with strategic decisions made in brand definition, architecture, and positioning.

Your messaging platform codifies the essential themes and phrases that will inform introductions and guide ongoing engagement with your stakeholders.

Our goal in messaging

To facilitate consistent communications and marketing, we’ll develop a go-to system with a variety of guidelines tuned to specific audiences. Depending on the nature of your brand, your messaging platform may include elements like elevator pitches, taglines, and slogans for marketing various offerings.

We’ll help you find a voice that’s authentic, familiar, and engaging. We’ll strive for a brand story that’s timeless, true, and easy to tell.

Messaging is where the public side of branding begins. These are the ideas and words that will resonate and drive behavior.

Jell's thought process around branding and messaging has helped us think through how we talk about ourselves beyond just the website and print pieces they helped us design. We truly feel like they are a partner that we can trust and that they are committed to our success.”

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